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HouseCall Computer Services


PC Maintenance


Tips for keeping your computer system running efficiently and reliably


Disk Maintenance


Modern hard drives are big, speedy and sophisticated enough that defragmenting is very seldom necessary, nor is the old Windows 98/ME routine called “Scan Disk”. Hard drives can be periodically cleared of unnecessary temporary files, internet cookies, and unused programs, but this is a procedure that can be more effectively and safely done by trusting it to a support specialist. While cleaning up your hard drive, they would also take the time to shut off all unneeded processes that are automatically starting with the computer, which would help make it run faster and with fewer errors.


Dusting and Cleaning


The biggest hardware issue for most PC’s is related to environment. Computers located in areas with high levels of dust (from textiles, carpeting, pets, etc.) probably need to be internally cleaned once a year to keep processors from overheating. This is done by opening the computer’s case and blowing the dust out using compressed air. Cans of compressed air can be purchased from any computer supply store, but this task is also probably best left to a support specialist to ensure that it is done correctly.

Compressed air can also be used to clean dust and crumbs out of the keyboard. If there is some dirt on the keys or monitor screen that can’t be blown off, a clean dust-free rag that is dampened (not saturated) with window cleaner can be very effective. Avoid dripping any liquid into the keyboard, as that can cause corrosion and short-circuiting, which would be especially destructive for a laptop.


Backing Up User Files


            One of the most costly mistakes made by computer users is simply neglecting to back up important files. The consequences can be severe as families lose important personal files, such as digital photographs of personal and historical significance. Backing up can be as simple as burning everything in “My Documents” onto a CD, assuming your system has that capability. Unfortunately, some programs will store important files and data in hard drive locations other than “My Documents”, making it difficult for the average computer user to locate them for the purpose of backing up.  

Floppy disks are considered an outdated file-saving technology as they hold little data and are prone to failure. A much better alternative for portable file storage is flash drives. They aren’t very expensive, plug into any USB port, hold a fair amount of data, and are fairly reliable. Computer owners who have many large files that they can’t afford to lose should probably consider backing them up regularly to an external hard drive. These also plug into any USB port, hold huge amounts of data, and are very reliable, but do tend to cost more than any other file backup system.


Upgrades and Updates


            Operating systems and software often need to be updated to maximize performance and reliability, especially for PC’s running Windows XP. Periodically or automatically checking for updates is important but can unfortunately be complicated by a variety of factors, such as operating system version and type of internet connection. To make certain your computer has all the latest important updates for its operating system and applications, contact a trusted technical support specialist.


Internet Security


            One of the most common mistakes made by computer users is in making the assumption that their PC is adequately protected from internet threats. Antivirus programs are no longer enough. Computers used on the internet need more comprehensive internet security software tools to effectively block threats such as spyware, trojans, intrusions, pop-ups, etc. In addition, internet security programs need to be updated regularly in order to do their jobs effectively. Even if the program is set to automatically update itself, it is a good idea to update it manually once in a while just to be sure. Internet security programs more than two years old should be replaced with new versions to ensure that the computer is equipped with the most up-to-date security tools.


For more detailed information about maintenance recommendations for your specific system and circumstances, please feel free to contact me (235-4738 or via email at, or check out the other pages and links on this site. 


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